The meeting was called to order at 7pm.
Dan provided a financial summary of the last month.
Dry suits were discussed again this month. A grant has been found that we can apply for to cover the cost of the new dry suits our group needs.
The group has received six new wyolink radios. Disscussion was held on where and how to store the new and existing radios.
A resource list has been compiled to provide the Sherriff’s Office. This list will provide them with all resources and specifically trained personal we have available.
A new member training was held Wednesday July 13. More new member trainings will be coming up in the future.
There will be an upcoming CPR/FA training
A Wilderness First Aid class is planned for August 6th& 7th.
A yoga class requested our CPR instructors in order to teach a class for them. A date will be set for a weekend in September.
Meeting Topics
High Altitude Health given by Annie for this month’s meeting.
Cell phone and locator technology training tentatively planned for September’s meeting.
August board meeting will be moved up a week to August 16th.
The mountain bike team is looking for more members and plans to ride on Mondays.
Medical Volunteer Opportunities
Sone Temple 8 will be Saturday September 10th
Laramie Enduro will be August 6th and is in need of volunteers
The status of new members was discussed before adjourning the meeting at 8:20pm.
In attendance: Kurt B., Lisa Z., Brenna N., Dan H., Alan S., Mat B., Matt A., Harold M.