Laramie, Wyoming

July Board Meeting


The meeting was called to order at 7pm.

Dan provided a financial summary of the last month.


  • Dry suits were discussed again this month. A grant has been found that we can apply for to cover the cost of the new dry suits our group needs.

  • The group has received six new wyolink radios. Disscussion was held on where and how to store the new and existing radios.

  • A resource list has been compiled to provide the Sherriff’s Office. This list will provide them with all resources and specifically trained personal we have available.


  • A new member training was held Wednesday July 13. More new member trainings will be coming up in the future.

  • There will be an upcoming CPR/FA training

  • A Wilderness First Aid class is planned for August 6th& 7th.

  • A yoga class requested our CPR instructors in order to teach a class for them. A date will be set for a weekend in September.

Meeting Topics

  • High Altitude Health given by Annie for this month’s meeting.

  • Cell phone and locator technology training tentatively planned for September’s meeting.


  • August board meeting will be moved up a week to August 16th.

  • The mountain bike team is looking for more members and plans to ride on Mondays.

Medical Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sone Temple 8 will be Saturday September 10th

  • Laramie Enduro will be August 6th and is in need of volunteers

The status of new members was discussed before adjourning the meeting at 8:20pm.

In attendance: Kurt B., Lisa Z., Brenna N., Dan H., Alan S., Mat B., Matt A., Harold M.