Laramie, Wyoming

ACSSAR August Board Meeting


The meeting was called to order at 7pm.

Paige provided a financial summary of the last month.

Amazon Smile, Donation Jars, K9 Demonstration at UW


Dry suits were discussed again this month. Grants for the suits are in progress.
Discussion was held on where and how to store the new and existing radios. There was discussion on whether we would like to order mics and a bank charger for the new WyoLink radios. No final decisions were made this month, more information will be gathered on types and cost of mics.
Purchasing new ATV’s was discussed. After discussing this, it was recommended that looking for two used ATV’s in good condition would suit the group and budget best. This item was tabled until next month.


A local Yoga class requested that our group teach a CPR class on September 10.
A Licensed Training Provider (LTP) class for CPR will be coming up soon.

Meeting Topics

Possible meeting topics for future meetings were discussed. These include tracking, a K9 training/demo, GPS, and overnight/winter survival. The September meeting’s training will tentatively be on Albany County familiarization/orientation.


Ideas for SAR Fundraiser t-shirts were brought up and will be discussed more at the next board meeting.

Medical Volunteer Opportunities

Sone Temple 8 will be Saturday September 10th

The status of new members was discussed before adjourning the meeting at 8:20pm.

In attendance: Kurt B., Lisa Z., Neil M., Brenna N., Dan H., Alan S., Matt A., Harold M., Paige H., Bob, Shawn S.