The meeting was called to order at 7pm on October 18.
A new 4 wheeler was purchased along with 2 helmets and 4 sets of googles.
Donations from the Rob DeBree Memorial fund were received and were very appreciated.
The fundraising letter is in the works. If you are interested in helping please contact Paige.
A completed resource list has been sent to the sheriff’s office.
One new 4-wheeler purchased
One of the older 4-wheelers is now functional and running well. The other one is still not running well and we will likely sell this one.
The 4-wheeler trailer has new tires and tie downs.
A new member calss was held on Monday October 17th
An avalanche level 1 course will be available through the ski patrol and UW Outdoor program. Dates are TBA.
More patches were purchased.
Brenna made a motion to buy 100 window hangers with the SAR logo. Curt 2nd the motion and all were in favor.
A policy dinner will be held on November 15 at 6:30pm. All are welcome to join.
The meeting was adjorned at 8:30pm.
In attendance: Paige H., Brenna N., Neil M., Curt B., Harold M., Alan S., Rodney, Dan H., Lisa Z., Matt B.