Laramie, Wyoming

November ACSSAR Board Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 7pm on November 22, 2016.


  • High Plains Harriers check came in from the Jelm Mountain Run

  • Wyoming Game and Fish approved our request to place a donation jar at their office.

  • A donation from Basic Beginnings was received.


  • New ATV received more break in hours and still needs one more hour.


  • A new member class will be held on Tuesday December 13th

  • An avalanche level 1 course will be available through the ski patrol and UW Outdoor program. Dates are TBA.

  • Snow mobile training for November general meeting.

  • Inland SAR May 3-4, 2017


  • A policy dinner was held on November 15 at 6:30pm.


The meeting was adjorned at 8:30pm.


In attendance: Bob Meyer, Rodney Fought, Mat Allshouse, Alan Sinicki, Paige Hellbaum, Dan Hutchison, Brenna Noll, Neil Mathison, Lisa Zezas, Kurt Braisted.