ACSSAR June Board Meeting
June 20, 2017
Dan called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.
Paige announced that tshirts were ordered and have arrived.
A few personal check donations were received this month.
McAlister Tea fundraiser was discussed, we need a few more volunteers before we can commit to doing this.
Elevation celebration was discussed; Lisa is preparing a poster to use at public events like this.
Dry suits
There is a possibility of getting a grant through Firehouse subs grant to help with the cost of dry suits.
We need a better description of what exactly our group needs/wants before applying for the grant.
The new 4wheeler trailer needs a new spare tire.
Snowmobiles need to be summarized.
The condition of the Zodiak was discussed. It will need an AIS permit.
A mock search will be held on Sunday June 25.
High angle snow field training will be held on July 9th
A land navigation class will be held on September 16th/17th. Rodney will book the LFD Station 3 training room.
Airlife will do a training with our group in June/July/August
We would like to do a Lake recognition training. Paige will head this up and gather the materials needed.
Dan will talk to Matt about the status of the window hangars.
Dan will look into getting mesh vests.
The group will not participate in freedom has a birthday but will do Jubilee Days instead.
Paige will submit an application for the parade.
Thankful Thursday will be mentioned to the group to gauge interest.
A motion was made to reimburse Paige and Bob up to 50% for the Joel Hardin tracking class costs. Both were approved.
Policy changes will be sent out to the group again for review.
In attendance: Neil, Paige, Dan, Kurt, Bob, Liberty, and Rodney.