Dan called the meeting to order at 1903.
The Wyoming Mounted SAR presented to the board of directors to inquire about merging their existing group into a specialty team/group of ACSSAR. The board plans to work with them to continue along the path of having a mounted SAR group as part of ACSSAR.
Mockup’s of SAR window hangers will be evaluated and will be printed soon.
The Jelm Mountain Run fundraiser is set to take place on September 23 at 8am.
ACSSAR received $162.67 from Amazon Smile.
A work day is planned for August 29 @ 1730 to organize/maintain equipment and trailers.
The old ATV trailer will be put up for bid soon.
The older ATV’s will be evaluated to determine which one ACSSAR will keep and which one we will sell.
A land Navigation Course will take place on September 16th & 17th
A NOLS Wilderness First Aid Course is scheduled in January for any members who may be interested.
Mike Warren with Big Laramie Volunteer Fire Department is hosting a Red Card (wildland fire) class in October for anyone who may be interested.
Policy Changes
Brenna made a motion to pass the new ROP’s and Bylaws. Kurt seconded the motion and all were in favor. The motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 2100.
In attendance: Liberty Boyer, Brenna Noll, Kurt Braisted, Rodney Fought, Alan Sinicki, Dan Hutchison, Lisa Zezas, Mat Burkhart, Bob Meyer, Wyoming Mounted SAR members: Kathleen, Jim, and David.