Laramie, Wyoming

August 2017 Board of Directors Meeting


Dan called the meeting to order at 1903.


  • The Wyoming Mounted SAR presented to the board of directors to inquire about merging their existing group into a specialty team/group of ACSSAR. The board plans to work with them to continue along the path of having a mounted SAR group as part of ACSSAR.

  • Mockup’s of SAR window hangers will be evaluated and will be printed soon.


  • The Jelm Mountain Run fundraiser is set to take place on September 23 at 8am.

  • ACSSAR received $162.67 from Amazon Smile.


  • A work day is planned for August 29 @ 1730 to organize/maintain equipment and trailers.

  • The old ATV trailer will be put up for bid soon.

  • The older ATV’s will be evaluated to determine which one ACSSAR will keep and which one we will sell.


  • A land Navigation Course will take place on September 16th & 17th

  • A NOLS Wilderness First Aid Course is scheduled in January for any members who may be interested.

  • Mike Warren with Big Laramie Volunteer Fire Department is hosting a Red Card (wildland fire) class in October for anyone who may be interested.

Policy Changes

  • Brenna made a motion to pass the new ROP’s and Bylaws. Kurt seconded the motion and all were in favor. The motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 2100.

In attendance: Liberty Boyer, Brenna Noll, Kurt Braisted, Rodney Fought, Alan Sinicki, Dan Hutchison, Lisa Zezas, Mat Burkhart, Bob Meyer, Wyoming Mounted SAR members: Kathleen, Jim, and David.