Laramie, Wyoming

October Board Meeting


October 24, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 1900.


  • An after action review of the search was conducted.

  • Window hangars/stickers for vehicles will be coming soon.

  • A motion was made by Brenna to order 24 vests from Ski Area Supply. Neil 2nd the motion and all were in favor. An order for sizes will be taken and vests will be ordered.


  • A monthly summary was given.

    • Donation boxes were discussed.

    • Not much change was reported from the previous month.


  • The need for new dual radio chest harnesses was brought up. Neil made a motion to purchase 6 harnesses and six microphones for the WYOLINK radios. Brenna 2nd the motion and all were in favor. The harnesses will accommodate carrying both the WYOLINK and conventional radios securely.

  • A firehouse subs grant for 10 dry suits is in the works.

  • A motion was made by Brenna do purchase a new propane heater for the command trailer. Alan 2nd the motion and all were in favor. This heater will heat the command trailer better and allow for more room than the current heaters we have.

  • The need for a sign to designate ‘essential search personnel only’ was discussed for the command trailer. Options and pricing are being looked into.

  • Options for a new generator were discussed but this topic was tabled for the time being.

  • The board also discussed the need for an enclosed trailer that can be used for a warming/gathering trailer for search personnel and family that is separate from the command trailer. Options for this are being looked into.


  • CPR/FA/AED trainings are still in the works.

  • Options for upcoming meeting trainings were discussed. Ideas include an overview of our specialty teams, utilizing your pack training, and K9 training.

Other Meetings

  • PAWS team

    • A group of our members discussed the possible need for hypothermia kits and medical kits that could be useful on certain searches.

The meeting was adjourned @ 2128.