November 21, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 1900.
An after action review of the search near Vedauwoo was conducted.
Window hangars/stickers for vehicles will be coming soon.
The board is getting ready to place the order for new vests through Ski Area Supply. An order sheet was passed around at the last meeting for specific sizes, however extras will be ordered so we have extras.
A monthly summary was given.
Between July-September ACSSAR has received $192.39 in Amazon Smile donations.
A check from the Jelm Mountain Run was received for the amount of $1750.
Fundraising ideas were discussed. Ideas brought to the table include bingo, raffle, silent auction, and placing an ad for Giving Tuesday.
This year’s fundraising letter was also reviewed and the mailing list will be updated.
The new dual radio chest harnesses came in and have worked well thus far.
A firehouse subs grant for 10 dry suits is in the works.
The new heater, hose and propane bottle for the command trailer came and will be installed soon.
Brenna made a motion to order a folding sandwich style board to designate the command trailer as Essential Search Personnel Only. Kurt 2nd the motion and all were in favor.
Brenna made a motion to sell the old ATV in its current condition. The motion was 2nd and all were in favor.
The board also discussed the need for an enclosed trailer that can be used for a warming/gathering trailer for search personnel and family that is separate from the command trailer. Options for this are being looked into.
The tracking training this month went well with approximately 21 people from various agencies in attendance.
A meeting training topic was discussed and it was decided that Matt Burkhart would conduct avalanche/winter conditions awareness training.
An avalanche level 1 class will take place at a discounted rate on February 9-11.
Options for upcoming meeting trainings were discussed. Ideas include an overview of our specialty teams, utilizing your pack training, and K9 training.
Holding a Christmas party/dinner for ACSSAR was discussed and will be planned.
Medical evaluation and incident forms were discussed. The group talked about how we can utilize these forms more on searches and also discussed making field notebooks that our members could carry in their packs.
Closed Doors
New membership status was discussed and 3 new members have been approved.
The meeting was adjourned @ 2130.
In Attendance: Dan Hutchison, Brenna Hutchison, Liberty Boyer, Neil Mathison, Alan Sinicki, Kurt Braisted, Lisa Zezas, Matt Burkhart, Rodney Fought, Bob Meyer.