Laramie, Wyoming

ACSSAR Board Meeting 22-OCT-13


ACSSAR Board Meeting 22 October 2013

1900 – Meeting start – Dan begins the meeting with the budget and handed out a yearly report that Vicki made. We went over what is predicted to spend during the next year (2014). Dan brought up that funds thus far are going to the right places (upkeep, training, equipment ect..) and that if we want to train harder it won’t be that hard to earn more. Cathi moves to approve the proposed budget, Matt 2nd and carries.

Dan proposed to do a pack check during the November meeting.

We went over the recruitment letter with Dan who also wants to put it up on the Facebook page. The training letter was approved by the Board and Dan will put it up in the next couple of days.

CPR training was discussed as some members are coming up on renewal. Travis is scheduling in January for the full course which would be a 7 hour class. Travis also will do 2 separate classes on 2 Saturdays in January. Dates that are approved; the 11th and 25th of January.

Application fees will resume for covering the cost of t-shirts. Cathi moves to approve, Dan 2nd, motion carries.

Travis is working on grants to obtain new 4 wheelers. The problem is that when we do use 4 wheelers, they are mostly personal ones that are brought by the searcher. Travis is also working on obtaining grants for training funds, this money would only cover the actual class cost and no gratuity. Dan wants to hold off on any action on our current 4 wheelers until we have more information on the grants proposal.

New members: NTR at this time

1955 Meeting adjourned


In Attendance

Dan Hutchinson

Cathi Carr-Lundfelt

Josh Hurt

Neil Matheson

Travis Wright

Matt Allshouse (conference call)