Laramie, Wyoming

ACSSAR Board Meeting 21-JAN-2014


ACSSAR Board Meeting 21-Jan-14

Meeting started at 1900, Dan handed out the agenda and we began with old business. We discussed uniforms; vests were quoted at $125. We would have to do a 20 minimum order in order to get a discount. We are hoping to get at least 12 people to volunteer to pay for their own. Dan is going to get some quotes for prices (bulk) Kurt moved for a vote to get the quote, motion carried.

Cathi handed out a new training schedule for 2014. The agenda for CPR/1st Aid has changed slightly; the class scheduled for the 1st will just cover 1st CPR. We also are required to provide each student with a CPR mask upon qualification but Red Cross no longer supplies.  CPR will take place at a later date. Dan motions to spend $200 for CPR masks, Cathi seconds and motion carries. A Wilderness 1st aid class will be tentatively scheduled for June or July.

We continue to evaluate the training schedule; the swift water class will include ropes and knots. We hope to bring in an instructor for man tracking to gain some tracking awareness for everybody. Due to complications and an increase in trainings Justin proposes breaking down the discipline trainings with the individual picking which discipline they wish to develop in.

Matt proposes having prerequisite classes before tackling specialized classes.

Still need to conduct more pack checks

New Business:

March Elections will be coming up; Cathi proposes assembling a committee for nominations.

Voting member status was discussed with a voting member being someone who 1) has attended 6 or more meetings/trainings and 2) has a successful application 3)has at least made half of their events since application approval.

Vicki wants to do another CD for March for $2000. Dan moves for approval and motion carries

A central location for hard copies of records was decided at the Sheriff’s Office. Justin will look into it.

Cathi passed out e-mails that discuss a dog team seminar; she would like to bring a trainer in. We will need extra commitment from non-k9 people as well to help support this mission.

Dan did an overview of the email newsletter and how it tracks certain statistics.

We still need member information for the website

Justin talks about fundraising options available for us. McAllister’s does sponsorship that we could do. Dominoes does something similar with an attached leaflet to their pizza boxes. We could put up brouchers that describe our mission and our trainings. The board decides to look into these further.

Justin and Dan sat down with the Sheriff and a deputy and discussed the progress over the past 2 years. They are willing to assist us in many different ways. The SO would like to see us conduct more training.

A mounted SAR team was discussed; availability would be the first hurdle. We talked about a link up with the Cheyenne team. More research will be required at this point.

The SO also brought up the idea of a mobile canteen/mess. They would be willing to reimburse costs of food stuffs purchased the day of use.

Fundraising letter needs to be started this month. Our goal last year was radios and we were successful. We also need more ideas for what to shoot for this year.

The Board and officers also reviewed several new member applications, results to be discussed further.

Meeting adjourned at 2120


In Attendance







Matt (conference call)