25 Mar 2014
1900 Meeting start, we began this month’s meeting with our annual elections, we introduced all available candidates to the group so that everyone knows who they may vote for. While Dan and Matt tally the votes, Vicki delivers the financial report. Cathi also talked about training, we are looking at a mock search coming soon during the end of May (May 31st). Cathi also talked about upcoming swift water and high angle training. So far we have 5 people signed up for the trailing K9 seminar here in Laramie. Also as a reminder, K9 training takes place on Sundays at 2 p.m. and Wednesday at 4 p.m..
Dan covered what we discussed during the Board meeting.
We also handed out more member information sheets so that everyone can fill it out and we can have more up-to date information on our members.
Some of the new vests have come in and have been distributed to those that pay. There are easy payment plans for anyone on a budget, just get ahold of Dan.
Election results:
President: Dan Hutchinson Board Member (2yr): Travis Wright
Vice President: Matt Allshouse Board Member (2yr): Brenna Noll
Secretary: Josh Hurt Board Member (1yr): Dan Hutchinson
Treasurer: Vicki Carrick
Training: Cathi Carr-Lundfelt
Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
Training this evening is radio communications