Laramie, Wyoming

ACSSAR Board Meeting 22-APR-2014


1903- Meeting start. Dan discussed the radio purchase that will be upcoming. The discussion is if we want to get the cheaper radios so we can outfit more or go for higher end. Further discussion is still needed with experienced people.

We haven’t purchased any additional gear yet, we need to finish purchasing the climbing gear, Dan is looking to still get some prusik cords and belay devices. Justin brought in a new AED for us.

For the mock search we are still looking for an area to hold it, so far the date seems good to go. We’re hoping to have someone else (other than officers) set up a scenario. Before all that however, we are hoping to get more specific training in regards to skills needed for a search. The discussion is primarily whether if we want to do skills training prior to the mock search or let everybody see what training they need during the mock search. We also decided to cut some of the stuff out so that we hopefully can get a training scenario in and not focus on training that not everyone is previously trained on.

No changes to high angle at this time, Neil still needs to get out and look around to see how the terrain is. Looking at training for high angle, we may start training 2 separate groups 1) beginner 2) more advanced so that Neil doesn’t have to start over again. Neil is going to pick some dates for training and let us know.

No word as of yet on McAlister’s fundraising.

We got the dog show contract tonight; the payout is the same as last year. WYOTech is available to supplement again this year, but we want to try to fill ranks with our personnel. Hours and sign up will be up on the website shortly. Motion was made by Dan to sign the contact, Travis second and motion carried.

Vikki has the FHAB paperwork put in. City wellness fair is June 4th. The 5th grade event in May 20th, Dan has talked to the sheriff about possible trainings. A miniature obstacle course with various stations was discussed in how to engage the 5th graders, included was throw bags, bag packing, bandaging blisters, using items in a pack.

Annie has proposed a summer high school institute working with SAR dogs for June 11th time: 1345-1600. There would be about 15 students and the goal would be to learn about SAR dogs.

Dan showed a RV power converter for charging our radios. The one he’s looking at is the biggest they have and run about $235. Right now we need inverters to charge our radios and we do not have them. These converters would be able to charge the radios without the use of the generator.

While conducting a CPR class it was discovered the training AED’s do not work, Dan would like to look for training AED’s for our use. Research has shown they’re around $240.

Old Corral gave us around $260 during one of their fundraising event. Dan would like to start doing donor plaques or something else to show our appreciation for the support. Travis and Justin also brought up the plaques that have the yearly hangers and think that would be the best idea.

Dan moves to obtain a second, smaller banner for table use. Cathi and 2nd and motion carries.


  • Bump fundraising by roughly 50%
  • Increase membership
  • Mountain bike team
  • Increase support staff stuff
  • Work out mounted
  • Canteen: look into getting one up and running
  • Snowmobilers, establish more snow machine members and training
  • Training quality and quantity
  • Train up replacements for officer/board positions


Upcoming Training:

June 6-8 2014 Joel Hardin Tracking Class

June 27-29 K9 Man trailing seminar

                         We still need additional runners to help out with the class

Wilderness First Aid date set for Aug 2nd and 3rd