Laramie, Wyoming

ACSSAR Board Meeting 17Jun2014


ACSSAR Board Meeting 17-June-2014

1900 - Call to order, Old business is discussed, radios are first. We are close to coming to a decision to purchasing the Wouxon DB-16x which retail for $119.99. Dan believes these are the way to go; they are simple and can talk with GRMS radios that we already have (Garmin Rino’s). The options and various capabilities are discussed over with Neil since he has some experience with those radios. The entire purchase would be; the radios (6), the programming cable, an external microphone (6), and eventually a replacement battery.

Matt moves to purchase, Travis 2nd and the motion passes.

The Sheriff is very interested in the possibility of a mountain bike team. Dan believes the board should really get behind Annie and her endeavor. We would like to be able to get 6-8 people to join in. Maps for mountain bike do not exist right now, but the board discussed several options on how to develop maps of our own.

Neil talks about the High angle training that was done this month, descent turn out with around 7 people. They went over anchors and setting in, using the anchors to raise people, and various high/low angle training. Neil would like to use a different area for variety in training and ease in teaching. Matt also is open to doing some evening workshops in basics of climbing so Neil could cover more advanced tactics. Matt will send out an email with details on the workshop.

Fundraising, Matt is going to take over the fundraising aspect to McAlister’s. The next Old Corral fundraising in July 3rd, Dan will try to attend. The letter has been sent out to Modern Printing.

Dan talked to a design shop (Star Awards) to help with a plaque for appreciating; a pack of 5 would be around $80. Cathi mentions that we definitely need to do one for GM for the vehicles. Dan wants a count of how many and who the board thinks would qualify for a plaque before ordering.

Training:  Cathi got a hold of Kirk for search management. She will have more information as soon as he becomes more available.

Tracking; there is another class upcoming Aug 15-17 in Ft Collins.

We have FHAB coming up soon; the whistles should be here soon for handouts. We’ll know more about the setup as the event gets closer. Travis looked around for canopies and will keep looking, we have 1 but are needing at least 1 more. Brenna has one that we can use if necessary. Matt will be heading up the Jubilee Days parade, he has a car trailer to use but he will not be here that weekend. Matt will send out an email to the group for ideas or for volunteers.

Trailer Power: Dan thinks the power supply for the trailer didn’t handle the bumps from normal usage. It could just be a fuse, Neil is going to look at it this week and evaluate the issue. Dan did a little research and found a power supply that he believes should have been installed initially that run $235 (on sale). Cathi moves to purchase, Travis 2nd and motion carries.

The Board has decided to move on an official weapon policy, more discussion and evaluation to follow.

Motion for reimbursement for Brenna’s expenses for the tracking class by Cathi, Travis 2nd and motion passes.

Harold moves meeting adjourned, Dan 2nd, and meeting ends.

In Attendance

Dan Hutchinson

Cathi Carr-Lundfelt

Neil Matheson

Josh Hurt

Brenna Noll

Travis Wright

Harold Magness