ACSSAR Board Meeting 22-July-2014
1900 Meeting Start, old business: we are going to order 6 of the Wouxon radios at 199.99 a piece.
Dan is starting to compile different channels that we will need. Cathi needs any attendance
rosters from this months call out thus far. High angle training will increase due to
requests from participants, Dan will put out emails regarding upcoming training dates.
There will be classes on basic climbing and Dan hopes to set up a days focusing on litters.
MacAllisters is in for fundraising, days need to be figured out and the application needs to be
turned in, Matt suggests that we do Tuesday nights since they are high traffic nights. Brenna
suggests that we pick a tuesday night the same as a meeting and invite members out to
MacAllisters before the meeting to hopefully raise the sales the required 5%. Aug 7th is the next
thankfull thursday for Old Corral.
Training: Cathi hasn't heard back yet about Search Management, she will keep trying. The tracking
class price has drastically dropped but it still is the same class if anyone still wants to sign
up for it in Ft. Collins. Donor plaques, there are about 9-10 donations over $100 but most are not
businesses. Laramie GM did a donation and also loaned us the use of a vehicle for our seminar.
Dan has the new power supply for the trailer, Dan wants to install that at the next trailer work
New Business
Dan counted the vests and there are still several that need to be picked up, we also have sold
a few that weren't previously spoken for. We still have about 10 left. We are down to only a few
t-shirts left so we may need to purchase more, Matt has volunteered to go forward with that.
Short Haul training for high angle is coming up this weekend.
Call out policy and procedures, due to Dan being out this past weekend some weak points in the
call out were identified. Dan will be making some changes to the system to improve user interface
and ease of use. Dan drafted a memo of call out prodecures that determines protocol in
call out situations.
Patches and window hangers, there was some interest from some people to obtain a couple of patches
for collecting purposes. and and the board discussed the future availability of these
identifiers and agree that identifing insignia should be kept to members only and policed
appropriately when a member leaves the group.
July Meeting training: We would like for Travis to due a segway for Wilderness 1st aid but he is currently
out of town. We still need people for this training (at least 6 to make it worth wile)
Weapons policy is still being discussed, it is still ongoing.
In Attendance:
Dan Hutchinson
Neil Matheson
Brenna Noll
Cathi Carr-Lundfelt
Josh Hurt
Matt Allshouse