ACSSAR Board Meeting 21-Oct-14
Old business started with our radios, we now have some and they are usable. Matt hasn’t heard back from MacAllisters yet, he will check with them Wednesday. Brenna talked about the Search Management training and some points brought in to help organize management such as post it notes or dry erase boards, this might be something we may acquire soon. There are also several forms that we are looking at incorporating into the trailer, Cathi mentions that no matter what forms we get we need to practice filling them out to gain familiarity.
Dan brought up that he is going to get a list from Vicki so he can get the donor plaques made. Cathi reminds us that we still have a $100 gift certificate ear marked for SAR dogs that needs to be spent before the end of the year.
We are looking at getting some training aids for CPR/1st Aid classes. Cathi has some older trainers that were donated but we need a place to store them and there is the question of longevity of the equipment. Dan has some new equipment ready to purchase for our use (teaching), we believe that we may go forward with it next month.
Cathi reminds us that the Bloodbourne Pathogens training will be needed soon.
New business begins with a documentary request; so far nobody has any objections to having a documenter film and cover our activities (excluding real searches).
EMA is planning mass disaster training, the main one that is being planned is flooding. We were reminded that last year could’ve been worse for flooding than it already was. The next meeting will be equipment readiness, Dan suggested throw ropes, PFD’s, helmets, a raft, and static lines. Neil brought up additional equipment such as zodiacs, dry suit/wet suits, but equipment should come with training to avoid over confidence.
Dan met with the SO, they brought up radios (lack there-of), they promise it was a one-time occurance, Todd believes they shoud be moved somewhere else. The SO they could transport the trailer to a search upon request as long as it wasn’t the first thing done. If your gear gets damaged on a search, you need to go out the next day and replace it, the kicker is that the reimbursement won’t happen until October (fuel is 5 days and is at a Federal rate). Brenna suggested putting all this information and the forms on our website for everyone to get easily. Snowmobile training was also brought up and in discussion the SO was instructed to buy us a snowmachine (it was purchased). The machine still requires about $200 worth of upgrades that will help with longevity. Dan proposed that we get rid of the old ones, us being a non-profit organization we have to put them up for bid. They do require some TLC but they still run. Matt moves that we sell the old sleds, Brenna 2nd, and motion carries. With the possible sale of the 2 older machines, Dan wants to start looking at getting another newer one, he knows of one that may be available. With the a quick check of the finances dan asked if anyone has any problems purchasing a used at a reasonable rate; Matt moves that we purchase the used machine, Brenna 2nd and motion passes.
The SO is putting together a grant to purchase some new snow machines, if they do get it then we get their old ones but that may be up to a year out.
The SO also wants to start doing tourniquet training with their deputies and SAR personnel
Also brought up was swift water training along with land navigation, Dan wants to bring in Russell Clark to train (2 day) with land nav.
Swift water training will be basics (as per normal) with throw bags and classroom stuff early next year.
Matt talked to Laramie screen printing and looked at different materials and patterns. He looks at 50/50 poly cotton dry blends and looked at colors and found that orange is the best for us, with various different styles. Standard black lettering will be the standard at $11.10 a shirt if we order 50 or more, add $2 for extra sizes. At the meeting this month we will take size information and get sign-ups for the new shirts. We will be getting pictures taken for ID’s in the November meeting.
Dan and Brenna sat down and talked with Park county SAR, among the issues brought up were marking the IC and who to report to. Other ideas were teams out on searches carrying strobes for easy spotting, getting our training identified as college credits (maybe through LCCC) or NASAR credits. There is a SARTEC 2 class upcoming in Casper in November if anyone is interested, Cathi described what is involved with that. Cathi also brought up that she believes it would be advantageous of us to get all our members at least SARTEC 3 certified.
November 8th we have the territorial prison reserved for mock search (critical separation) drills. We also will be doing terminology familiarization along with the search part.
Brenna brings up that along with our new requirements for members and required training, the SO would like to see known Team Leaders among the group. Among the required training, ICS classes were brought up specifically ICS 700, remember that member that have been a part of ACSSAR for a while have until the end of the year while new member have 1 calender year. Several examples were given of how to obtain Team Leader status. Cathi suggests that there be some sort of recognition for those that obtain the necessary requirements for Team Leader whatever that may be. Brenna would like to see some additional minimum training requirements for new members in order to be fielded. Neil brought up that interviews with the new members could also be implemented so we could get to know the new members. Brenna proposed bi monthly mock callouts for 2015, this would include knowing what day it but not the exact time, a callout would be issued and members would have to use critical thinking like a real search.
In Attendance
Dan Hutchinson
Matt Allshouse
Cathi Carr-Lundfelt
Brenna Noll
Josh Hurt
Neil Matheson