The first part of meeting was recorded via Dragon dictation. Due to either echoes in the room or faulty software the notes were unreadable and uncomprehendable.
Cathi moves to give out donor plaques for those donating $150 or more, Matt seconds and motion passes.
There is continued planning for an excessive, possibly using mass casualties out at the ski area. Neil is working with EMA to find out when this might happen. January meeting, we are still on for Avalanche training. There will also be id pictures. We are also doing member updates. Dan handed out an updated form that has increased detail. The February meeting will consist of a familiarization with the Albany area and knowing how to orienteering to where you may be on a map. There is a draft for a bank grant primarily used to replace gear that was lost or damaged during training or on a search. Brenna will be looking at updating our mission statement and will have a rough draft this week.
Cathi is concerned that we are not trying as hard as we should looking for other grant possibilities.
Matt talked about the United way, if we had applied to be a agency through the United way. He discussed how to apply to become affiliated and thinks we should become a designated agency, we could benefit by receiving funding through them. We would have to comply with their annual campaign but could benefit through recognition. We would also have to abide by their restrictions and rules. Our own fundraising efforts would have to be adjusted, along with our volunteer efforts at the Jelm mountain run. Several questions about the application itself were fielded by Matt, and the application can be found on our website. The consensus thus far is to hold off on applying, bring it up to the group as a whole, and get our own ducks in arow before moving forward.
Dan brought up the previous year budgets and we reviewed how they match up with what actually happened, the budget was a good guideline and isn't too far off what we have and what we've spent.
Dan would like to put together a budget for 2015 to be reviewed on the next meeting.
Brenna went over a mock calender setup with the board, discussed having set times and dates for training (specific and non specific). This new setup would be a good guideline as to what may be up and coming and a good reference to members not involved in the planning.
Upcoming training: next Tuesday the SO would like to do another mock search with ROTC and would like some volunteers from ACSSAR. The volunteers would need to be adept at land nav. Dan will be sending out an email along with the monthly meeting reminder tomorrow.
The 31st the Ft Collins tracking team will be doing training and some from us are welcome to attend.
On June 5th-7th there is a JHPTS tracking class in lusk
Land nav with Russel Clark will take place on June 13th and 14th with a possible mock search.
Cathi would like to start including a hazmat class for the group and will look into the possibility.
Cathi would also like to include the CAP in one of our mock searches.
Snowmobile training has been successful thus far and Dan would like to continue devolving riders.
In attendance:
Dan Hutchinson
Cathi Carr-Lundfelt
Josh Hurt
Brenna Noll
Neil Mathewson
Matt Allshouse (teleconference)