ACSSAR Meeting 27 January 2015
The meeting began with a reading of the minutes. Brenna explained what was going to happen at the meeting tonight, a form was passed around for the members to fill out for identification purposes.
Brenna explained about field member requirements.
She also explained that we will be doing 6 mock searches which will be held on the 2nd Saturday of every other month. The first one will be on feb 14th. These will be held like real searches and members should pack, prepare, and dress accordingly.
An updated calendar will be available on our website which will include various trainings and the time and place for meetings and classes. The upcoming training was also displayed and talked about out to June.
Changes were made to snow mobile usage policy, it was handed out and is available on the website. Members have 30 days to review the policy.
Elections are coming up, new and eligible members are encouraged to apply or run for available positions.
Vicki went over and handed out the financial report.
We have the new t-shirts in, they are $12 each.
Meeting adjourns at 1923 hrs
Tonight's training will be Avalanche training.