Laramie, Wyoming

Avalanche Level 1 Training Opportunity


Avalanche Level 1 Training Opportunity
As announced at the meeting and Avalanche Awareness Training last night, the National Ski Patrol, Medicine Bow Nordic Ski Patrol, and Snowy Range Ski Patrol are offering a Avalanche Level 1 class here in Laramie next month. You will not find a more affordable class at this level anywhere, and there is still room to join!

Module 1: Avalanche Foundations
Module 2: Avalanche Safety and Rescue Skills

Level 1 Avalanche course, Modules 1 and 2, offered by the National Ski Patrol, Medicine Bow Nordic Ski Patrol, and Snowy Range Ski Patrol.

The course is open to both the general public and members of the ski patrol.
This is a National Ski Patrol course with both classroom (Module 1) and on-the-snow (Module 2) experience. Participants will receive credit for both modules, and be prepared to take Organized Avalanche Rescue (Module 3) additionally if desired.
TOPICS COVERED: Avalanche conditions, human factors, snow conditions, weather, route selection, transceivers, avoiding an avalanche, and rescue - what to do if you or a member of your group is caught by an avalanche.
Tuesday February 17th,        6:00 to 9:30 pm
                    Thursday February 19th,       6:00 to 9:30 pm
                    Sunday February, 22nd         all day field session
                    Tuesday February 24th,        6:00 to 9:30 pm
                    Sunday March 1st              all day field session
COST: $32 plus text (Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain, 2nd edition, Bruce Tremper, 2008), payable at the first class
PLACE: Room 215, UW Classroom Building
Want to Refresh? If you have taken this course in the past, the National Ski Patrol recommends you refresh every three years. There have been significant changes. Refresher cost is $10 plus cost of texts.