Laramie, Wyoming

Board Meeting


The meeting began with a discussion of old business, which included the fundraising letter, training and new member orientation scheduling, ID cards, and bylaws and ROPs. Snowmobile usage policy was covered, as was the use of ATVs. The issue of batteries dying on the ATVs was brought up and solutions were proposed.

New business covered officer and board member roles, expectations, and expected behavior. The duties of each new officer were individually discussed. Business cards for new officers and board members are on order. Storage space concerns were brought up and ideas for where to store extra gear, equipment, etc. were offered. Obtaining a safety deposit box was discussed as was the cost. It appeared to be a cost-effective solution to storing SAR funds/other valuables. The need for a new meeting room was discussed. Buying a new projector was discussed and Matt motioned to buy. Brenna seconded and all were in favor. Callout system training was covered so that those in attendance would be more familiar with how the system works. Collaboration with the Medical Reserve Corps was discussed. 

Upcoming events and training were discussed, including the multi-agency exercise and search in Lusk on May 30th. It was pointed out that working with other agencies outside of an actual emergency is rare so the opportunity should be taken advantage of. Red Cross CPR instructor training on July 11 and 12  was mentioned and will be discussed at the monthly meeting. Fifth grade day on May 18 was talked about, and a signup sheet should be created. The dog show on May 23-25 was also discussed and a signup sheet is available online or on paper.  The Coast Guard will host inland search and rescue training May 4-8. High angle training in Sheridan will be offered on June 5. Joel Harden Professional Tracking Services will conduct training on June 12 and 13. Land navigation training with Russell Clark will occur on June 13-14. 

In attendance:

Dan Hutchinson

Josh Hurt

Brenna Noll

Dane Purmalis

Chris Armstrong 


Todd Schlager

Neil Matheson 

Matt Allshouse

Paige Hellbaum

Jason Sheathelm

Kurt Braisted