Board Meeting Agenda May 19th 2015
Old Business
- Fundraising Letter – Brenna, Matt
- Goals for the year
- equipment updates
- ATVs – get them running, then auction, purchase new (2)
- generator for the incident command trailer
- projector – CPR, meetings
- training
- mountain bike training
- continue increasing quality and quantity
- increase overall percentage of participation
- organizational
- fund raising/grants
- update ROPs and Bylaws
- organize officer positions
- set training standards
- Business Cards – For New Officers and Board
- Storage Shed @ SO SAR Building – Chris/Dan
- still sorting out – semiannual meeting with O’Malley and Beeston coming up
- Safety Deposit Box for Important Records now in Mike and Vicki
- ACPE has one safety deposit box for $23/year
- Matt proposes, Kurt seconds, all in favor of safety deposit box
- $40 fireproof safe box
- Lusk Search Discussion
- Dan talked to Brian Zerbe again today
- camping available
- help w/ command and IC (support roles) – they will welcome help
- don’t need help setting up ahead of time
- 60-80 people involved
- need Wyolink type radios
- Red Cross LTP - Instructor class July 11-12
- Dog Show
- contract signed and returned
- Matt contacted WyoTech about volunteers – hasn’t heard back
- still need more people in a few slots
- Training –
- New Member orientation
- Another for May/June – decide @ next meeting
- Jason going to email members who need this class to start arranging dates
- CPR/First Aid Class - June
- Bylaws and ROPs
- Officer position descriptions
- new member orientation/interview
- Snowmobile usage policy
- High Angle policy
- work on during dog show, revisit at next board meeting
New Business
- New location at SAR building
- SO purchased chairs and 2 x 60” tvs (holding off on purchasing projector for now)
- Budget – Paige
- Dan to follow up on Eppson Center CPR class bill
- Trailers
- ATV Trailer need plates/tags – Title?
- Four Place snowmobile need to be sold or fixed?
- Matt motions get whatever money we can by selling it or scrapping it, reserve of $50, Brenna seconds, all in favor
- Command Trailer
- Radio Updates - Cy
- Use by S/O as a command trailer for hostage negotiation?
- proposal to let them use it, but establish an MOU first – Brenna motions, Matt seconds, all in favor
- Small enclosed trailer repurpose for Swift-water
- Clean out junk, paint floor
- What to do with the following:
- Hitch Rack
- Kurt motions to sell with trailer, Brenna seconds, all in favor - $50 reserve
- Christmas stuff
- Horse gear – Todd?
- Matt moves to donate decorations to any member who wants them or Salvation army, and to let Todd hold onto the horse gear, Kurt seconds, all in favor
- Freedom Has a Birthday
- see level of interest/availability from group
- City Wellness Day - June 9th
- decision not to participate this year
- Managing the lost Person Incident (MLPI) Class w/ SEWSAR
- discussion to approach Spencer about other potential classes
- Continuing Swift water grant and Scenario
- received nearly $7000 in equipment through EMA grant
- would like to continue scenarios/training, and additional equipment available through grants for shortcomings
- wet suits, dry suits
- Rescue 3 training
- Mock Searches
- Chris going to help with August mock search
- Attendance Update
- Team Paging in Paging System
- High Angle
- others?
- swiftwater
- snowmobiles
- K9s
- tracking
Upcoming Training in the Area
May Meeting – High Angle
- brief crime scene awareness review?
Saturday, May 30th
- Lusk Training Multi agency
June 12th-14th - JHPTS Tracking Lusk
June 13th-14th - Land Nav w/ Russell Clark
Summer Training Schedule
Policy Changes/Additional Requirements