- Scheduled another New Member Orientation for August 4th @ 6 pm
- Dan, Brenna, and maybe Russ need to select dates for another CPR/First Aid Class
- Dan is going to contact Spencer to arrange dates for the fall for another Red Cross LTP Instructor course
- High Angle – training scheduled for July 30th
- Swift Water – training scheduled for July 23rd
- Tracking – training with Larimer County SAR scheduled for July 25th
- Land Navigation Course – Dan is going to try to reschedule this with Homeland Security
- If unable to make work, other options will be explored
- Trying to arrange funded training between ACSSAR and SEWSAR (Southeastern Wyoming Search and Rescue)
- Need suggestions/topic for proposal
- Also Chris found a DHS-funded multiagency training that he is looking further into
- Neil talked with Aimee Binning about the continuing swift water grant and scenario
- She is going to continue the grant process for additional funding for training and possibly dry suits
- Brenna was reimbursed $170 (half the cost) for the June JHPTS tracking class
- Kurt moved, Matt seconded, all were in favor
- Group training standards need more work
- The Enduro (bike race) is Saturday, August 1st – currently have 5 volunteers from our group but they could use more volunteers
- Mock Search set for August 16th – Chris and Neil are planning, Brenna is helping as needed/available
- Kurt looked into the various trailers plates and tags – going to look into further
- Neil sent Cy an email about radio updates to the command trailer, but hasn’t heard back – going to reach out again
- Neil has been making organizational improvements to the swift water trailer
- Dan is going to get labels for the swift water gear
- Neil proposed adding the group seal and/or name to the small trailer
- Dan is going to look into the cost
- Discussed the need to ball locks for several of the trailers
- Matt moved we buy 3 ball locks and see if we can get them all keyed the same, Josh seconded, all were in favor
New Business
- Paige is organizing the July general meeting – medical topic: intro to backboarding
- Matt planning on leading the August general meeting – topic: wildlife/plant encounters
- After Action Review discussion
- There was an after action review on July 13th following the July 1st and July 4th rescues
- Discussion topics:
- Getting trailer to scene, regardless of anticipated need
- Area familiarization would be of benefit
- Need to work with SO/members on grouping teams, team leader selection, on scene pack checks, making sure groups have appropriate resources
- Would be helpful to have an ACSSAR member remain at IC
- Could use more training/explanation of support roles
- Need to review paging system/responding
- Do not call dispatch or SAR leaders to tell them if you are responding or not, it ties up the lines, and the information is not usually passed on
- Call if you have an actual question, otherwise respond through the paging system
- Dan wants to add functionality to the paging system for needed resources and who is bringing them (i.e. the trailer, radios, food…)
- More hands-on training needed with the Wyolinks
- Make sure everyone has a bingo card of the channels
- Discussed having harness sets ready to hand out
- Need practice with GPS units and changing coordinate systems
- Talked about creating additional sets of radios
- Josh moved we purchase an additional set, Matt seconded, all were in favor
- Need to determine who will be responsible for the different radio sets
- More discussion/planning is needed in general – possibly arranging a separate meeting for this
Policy Changes/Additional Requirements
- Still working on these
- All board members/officers are going to try to review/edit one section they feel needs addressed for the August board meeting
Upcoming Training in the Area
- Mock Search – August 15th
- JHPTS Tracking Course – September 18th - 20th @ Buckhorn Camp (Colorado)
- Jelm Mountain Race – September 19th
In Attendance: Dan Hutchison, Neil Mathison, Kurt Braisted, Matt Allshouse, Paige Hellbaum, Chris Armstrong, Josh Hurt, Brenna Noll, Bob Meyer
*Minutes for this meeting were taken by Brenna Noll