The meeting began with a discussion on the team's direction for 2016. To enhance communication, Dan proposed having the board meeting notes sent out on the ACSSAR email list instead of just being posted on the team website. The 2016 elections, and who would run again, were discussed. Matt and Paige volunteered to head the committee to organize the upcoming election. It was announced that there would be a meeting with the Sheriff and Lieutenant in the near future to discuss the team and it's continuing direction. Paige then conducted a financial report. The fundraising letter and when to send it out was discussed. Because of the late send-out in 2015, it was decided to send it out at roughly the same time of year in 2016.
Equipment was then discussed. There was consideration to buy several more longer radio antennas because of their better performance. Matt moved to buy 5 more, Brenna seconded, and all were in favor. Dan wanted to finalize who was call-out number list. A laptop was bought for the incident command trailer. Matt and Brenna volunteered to look into mapping software. A date and time were decided on to install a power compositor in the trailer. The black snowmobile was experiencing problems during the last rescue so it will be taken in to be looked at.
Upcoming training was then gone over. Snowmobile training will be put on by the Sheriff's Office and will occur in late January. The required crime scene management class is to be rescheduled for probably March. The topic of January's regular meeting will be Avalanches.
General business included discussing preparations for the SnoWest snowmobiling forum gathering on February 5-7. It was concluded that no special preparations were needed other than to be ready. It was decided that follow-up with Neil on a fire district MOU question could wait until February. Matt would assist with this. Individual member participation and roster cleanup was examined. Training reimbursement requests were then examined and decided upon. The holiday dinner was talked about and will occur at 6:30 on Friday, January 22. ACSSAR hats (black) and beanies (orange) were ordered as well.
In attendance: Dane Purmalis, Dan Hutchinson, Matt Allshouse, Chris Armstrong, Page Hellbaum, Brenna Noll, Bob Meyer, Neil Matheson, Kurt Braisted, and Harold.