Laramie, Wyoming

February Board Meeting


February's board meeting began with a review of equipment and gear. The logo on the side of the IC trailer is peeling off and needs replacing. Quotes are being obtained on a replacement. Solutions for storing the growing amount of SAR gear were discussed. This might be solved by a shed being placed at the SAR building. It was decided to delay who would be placed on the callout phone number list until after the next election. The March elections, and who would like to run again, were discussed. Paige then conducted a financial report and fundraising ideas were reviewed. 

Upcoming training and events included a SAR Management class put on by Kirk Wagner in March, a spring mock search to take place probably in April, a new member orientation on February 17th, snowmobile training for hopefully the first weekend in March, and a joint-SAR and S.O. high angle snowfield class on April 17th at Medicine Bow Peak that will include snowmobiles and the snow cat. Upcoming meeting topics included Incident Command System training in February and Crime Scene Awareness, Elections, and possibly Drone Demo in March. Other classes included a class by Jim Waters on on cell phone location technology and a large list of training classes from Park County Search and Rescue to get ideas from. 

Inactive member notification letters were finalized. Kurt moved to send the letters out, Brenna seconded, and all were in favor. Member participation and roster cleanup were further discussed.

Policy changes included discussion on whether the position of Vice President should be changed to Equipment Officer, and when patches, shirts, and other equipment should be issued to new members. New written policy was briefly reviewed. Matt moved to adjourn the meeting, Kurt seconded, and all were in favor.


In attendance: Dane Purmalis, Kurt Braisted, Dan Hutchinson, Brenna Noll, Chris Armstrong, Neil Mathison, Harold Magness, Josh Hurt, Lisa Zezas, Matt Allshouse, Paige Hellbaum, and Matt Burkhart