At 7:00 p.m. Dan called the April Board meeting to order. Paige conducted a financial report of donations and expenses during the last month.
The need and cost of replacing/installing logos on the SAR trailers was brought up. Brenna made a motion to replace the weathered logo on the IC Trailer, and install lettering on both sides of the small, enclosed SAR Trailer. Curt seconded the motion and all were in favor. The motion passed.
The next item of business was the need for mapping software. Curt made a motion to purchase Terrain Navigator Pro and Brenna seconded. All were in favor; the motion passed.
Due to the increasing group size at the regular monthly meetings the need for a projector was discussed. The potential for using the projector for First Aid/CPR classes as well as on searches/debrief was also brought up. Curt made a motion to purchase a Veiwsonic projector, carrying case, and HDMI cable; Brenna seconded and all were in favor. The motion passed.
Upcoming trainings were discussed; the trainings are as follows:
A new member training is scheduled for Wednesday May 4th. The time and locate is TBA.
The spring mock search is being planned for mid-May.
The High Angle Snow Field training scheduled for April 17th was canceled due to weather and will be rescheduled.
Tracking training will be held May 14th
CPR/FA/AED Training will be held May 9th/11th or 16th/18th (will be determined based on instructor availability)
A Joel Hardin Professional Tracking class is scheduled for June 10-12.
EMR, WEMT, WFA options for the group were discussed and it was decided that WFA would be the best option at this time. Dates and times are to be determined.
General Meeting training topics were discussed. More hands on training options were discussed as well as the upcoming meeting topics.
The Dog Show scheduled for May 29-30th was discussed, the contract looked over, and approved. A sign-up sheet will be available at the April General Meeting.
Medical volunteer opportunities were discussed. These opportunities include:
Goudy Grinder: Sunday May 22Time: 8:00-5:00
Stone Temple 8:Saturday September 10Time: 8:00-5:00
Goals for 2016 were discussed. Goals include specialty group standards, fundraising/grants, equipment inventory, establishing a support team, and officer position documentation.
New Board Member/Officer information and the status of new applicants/those awaiting approval were addressed.
Brenna made a motion to adjourn, the motion was seconded, and all were in favor.
In attendance:
Lisa Zezas, Neil Mathison, Brenna Noll, Alan Sinicki, Dan Hutchison, Matt Burkhart, Paige Hellbaum, Bob Meyer, Harold Magness, Curt Braisted, Matt Allshouse.