Laramie, Wyoming

April General Meeting


Dan Hutchison called the meeting to order, Paige Hellbaum conducted a financial report, followed by a summary of April’s Board Meeting minutes given by Lisa Zezas. Dan then discussed the upcoming events including the following:

  • DOG SHOW– May 28th - 30th

    • This is one of our larger fundraisers of the year. A signup sheet was passed around, however anyone interested after the meeting may still sign up.

  • New Member Class – May 4th

    • This class is required to be placed on the active callout list. If you are a new member and are available please sign up for this class.

  • CPR and First Aid – May 16th & 18th

  • Man Tracking

    • In House – May 14th @ 9am

    • Lusk – June 10th - 12th

  • High Angle Snow Field –TBD

  • Mock Search - TBD

Dan also announced that there is an ICS Logistics and Support Team forming, any persons interested should see Chad Dinges for more details. Medical support volunteer opportunities are needed at the Goudy Grinder on May 22, see Annie for more details.

At 7:20pm Harold made a motion to adjourn, the motion received a second and all were in favor.

Following the meeting a training on Ropes and Knots was given. Several types of knots, rope types, and litter packaging were covered in the training.