At 7pm Dan called the meeting to order. Paige conducted a finance report.
Trailer logo replacement was discussed. The logos were replaced and looked good.
Mapping software was purchased and is working well.
The potential need for more swift water dry suits was discussed.
ACSSAR will be receiving 6 new WyoLink radios from EMA.
A new member class was held in May and went well. Another class will be held within the upcoming months.
Tip Top SAR offered to provide helicopter training for our group. June 25th is the pending date for this training.
A Mock Search is scheduled on July 16th
Wilderness first Aid will take place on July 9th-10th
A reschedule date for the High Angle snowfield training is being planned.
Joel Hardin Professional Tracking Service class will be June 10-12
Meeting Topics
Upcoming meeting topics were discussed. The May general meeting topic will be on swift water rescue with an emphasis on ropes and safety.
The Dog Show was discussed. Volunteers to help work this fundraiser are still needed and encouraged to sign up. Visit the ACSSAR website and go to the Events Calander tab to sign up.
Annie stepped down as the Mountain Bike Team lead. Matt Allshouse will take over as the lead person of this team.
Participating in the Freedom has a birthday celebration on July 4th was discussed. Participation in this event will be dependent on how many are available that weekend.
On July 3rd the 7200 Elevation Celebration in Centennial will take place from Noon-7pm. Proceeds will benefit Centennial Valley Fire Department and ACCSAR.
Due to conflicts the June Board meeting will be held on Tuesday June 14th at the new UL Building.
Policy Changes
The proposed policy changes had previously been available for comment by members. After being open for comment Matt made a motion to accept the new policy changes. The motion passed with unanimous approval.
New Members
The status of new members was discussed including those needing to take the new member class and individuals awaiting board approval.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting and all were in favor.
In Attendance:
Dan Hutchison, Brenna Noll, Lisa Zezas, Neil Mathison, Mat Burkhart, Alan Sinicki, Matt Allshouse, Harold Magness, Bob Meyer, Paige Hellbaum.